Sunday, September 8, 2019

Roma's Pictorial Fashions (April 1934)

A Free Pattern With Ideas!

"There are so many delightful possibilities with this free pattern.  In flecked woollen or tweed it makes either a trim runabout frock with long tight sleeves and an inset vest showing the new high neck-line and scarf-collar; or else one of the new fashionable pinafore frocks to wear with your new blouses or knitted jumpers.  And in either case, put with our coupon coat it forms a delightful ensemble.  
Other good points are that it only takes such a mere scrap of material and is the very simplest style to copy.  The main part is cut all down in one, and is so slick and tailorish with its centre seam outlined with stitching.  The long-sleeved frock has this tailored note emphasised by the way the ends of the silk scarf-collar are trimly buttoned down, and by the little silk cuffs to match that peep out below the sleeves, like a man's shirt cuffs, with linked buttons to catch the sleeve edges together up the back of the wrist.
For the pinafore dress you just omit the vest and long sleeves and add the epaulettes."
Roma's free pattern for April 1934 pretty well encapsulates 1930s fashion: sober but elegant, with plenty of opportunities to ring the changes on your costume and stretch your wardrobe (and your budget!)  The long slender lines of this dress are typical of the middle of the decade, with shoulders only just beginning to broaden and skirts at about calf-length.

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