One of the things I most love about living in the 21st century is the number of fascinating things available on the Internet. Obscure publications that were once buried deep in the stacks of libraries and were only available to people who lived nearby, have now been scanned and are available to anyone who takes the trouble to enter a few keystrokes into a search engine. It doesn't really matter what your interests are: there's something out there for you.
So in pursuit of one of my interests, I give you Toilettes, available to read at the Hathi Trust Digital Library. Toilettes was a magazine devoted to advertising fashionable sewing patterns produced by "Toilettes Fashions Inc." of Fifth Avenue New York. The volumes digitised here cover the years 1910 to 1912, and are filled with charming line drawings of women and children in fashionable attire—along with editorial comment and advertising that helps put that attire into context.