Monday, May 27, 2024

"Our Cover Girl Wears" (Vanity Fair, May 1955)

 Vanity Fair featured a simple dress by "Polly Peck" on the cover of its May 1955 issue.

OUR COVER GIRL WEARS... the shirt dress of the season, to wear on vacation and after you get back—in hyacinth blue and white striped cotton, satin bowed and belted, its skirt a rush of gathers at the waist, by Polly Peck...

Polly Peck was a ready-to-wear firm established in the 1940s by husband and wife time Raymond and Sybil Zelker.  Sybil did the designing, while Raymond managed the business.  It was one of a number of businesses set-up postwar to supply a growing market for good-quality women's ready-to-wear clothing.

Sadly, Polly Peck was the subject of a takeover in the 1970s.  The new majority shareholders were less interested in fashion than in turning a quick profit, expanded into areas far removed from Polly Peck's core business, and went bankrupt after a major share trading scandal in 1991.

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